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Texas Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
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- There are over 2.4 million grandparents raising their grandchildren in the United States.
- There are 5.7 million children in the United States living with a grandparent.
- 6.1 million grandparents have grandchildren younger than 18 years old living with them.
- 730,000…The number of grandparents with a disability who are caring for grandchildren.
- 477,000… The number of grandparents whose income is below the poverty level who are raising grandchildren.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau
There are over 2 million grandparents raising their grandchildren in the United States alone. Are you one of them? Are you in the midst of a painful personal experience or legal process to gain custody of a grandchild from a problematic parent? Maybe it has or is happening to you. If so, we are here to help you with answers to the legal, custodial, and practical aspects of how grandparents should raise their grandchildren. We are a comprehensive resource to help assist you in this difficult and trying time. The legal process of securing the custody of your grandchildren can be grueling, confusing, and difficult. Dealing with laws, courts, attorneys, and judges can be a harrowing and anxious experience. We will educate you on how to rescue your grandchild from problematic parents, scary situations, and even from the courts.